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Title: Tractor-Wagon Rides
Description: It's almost autumn at the MetroParks Farm. Come and see all that is happening at the farm during a guided tractor-wagon tour. Barns are open. Meet at the Education Building. Register/pay by 9/6, online or call 330.740.7116. Adults $2 R, Adults $3 NR, Seniors/Youth $1.
Facility: MetroParks Farm: Wagon
Program Date:
9/8/22 (weather dependent)
Time: 11:00 am - 11:45 am
Age Range: Toddler Preschool Youth Teens Adults Seniors (60+) Adult w/ Child Families
Program Topic: Kids & Families
Registration: Registration required
Registration Closes: 9/6/22
Enter the number of people to be registered in the box and then click Register

Fee Adults R - $2.00
Fee Adults NR - $3.00
Seniors/Youth - $1.00
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Online Registration Closed

For offline registrations or further information
please call 330-702-3000, unless another number
is given in the program description.