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Title: Witch Hunt! PROGRAM FULL
Description: In the spirit of upcoming Halloween, come join a park educator on a witch hunt! Learn about the urban legend of the Witch's Den area, while exploring the geology that makes it the perfect place for a 'hideout'! Meet at the Flats Parking lot and enjoy an afternoon hike along the Witch's Den and Cascade Ravine. Approximately 1 mile, moderate - difficult terrain (climbing up steep steps and across rocks). Wear proper hiking shoes. Register by 10/25 online or call 330.740.7107 ext. 129. No Walk-Ins, no pets. Free. For more information call (330) 740-7107 Ext. 129.
Facility: Mill Creek Park: Flats Field
Valley Drive
Youngstown, OH 44511
Meeting Place: Flats parking Lot
Program Date:
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Age Range: Teens Younger than 18 w/ Adult Adults Adult w/ Child Families
Program Topic: Hikes & Walks
Documents/Attachments: MCMP Liability Waiver: MCMP Liability Waiver
Registration: Registration required
Registration Closes: 10/25/24
Enter the number of people to be registered in the box and then click Register

Fee - $0.00
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Online Registration Closed

For offline registrations or further information
please call 330-702-3000, unless another number
is given in the program description.