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Title: Accessible Full Moon Hike - Pink Moon
Description: Join Park staff for a moon-lit evening hike on the night of the April Pink Moon. We'll be traveling along the MetroParks Bikeway a paved, flat trail in the open countryside. Our pace will be slow and the focus will be on mindfulness in nature. In the event of inclement weather, an alternative date will be provided. Ages 12+. Register/pay by 4/10, online or call 330.740.7107 x 129. No walk-ins. No pets. $3 For more information call (330) 740-7107 Ext. 129.
Facility: MetroParks Farm: MetroParks Bikeway Trailhead
Program Date:
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Age Range: Teens Adults Seniors (60+) Families
Min: 12
Program Topic: Hikes & Walks
Registration: Registration required
Registration Closes: 4/10/25
Enter the number of people to be registered in the box and then click Register

Fee - $3.00
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For offline registrations or further information
please call 330-702-3000, unless another number
is given in the program description.