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Title: Frog Walk
Description: Vickers Nature Preserve is a hoppening place this time of year as multiple species of frogs begin to emerge. Head out on an exciting and educational hike with Park staff and volunteers to listen for and spot native frogs. Difficulty: moderate. Distance: 1-2 mi. Registration required. Register by 4/23, online or call 330.740.7107 x 129. No walk-ins. No pets. FREE
Facility: Vickers Nature Preserve: Vickers Nature Preserve Parking Lot
10334 W. Akron Canfield Rd.
Canfield, Oh 44406
Program Date:
Time: 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Age Range: Preschool Youth Teens Younger than 18 w/ Adult Adults Seniors (60+) Adult w/ Child Families
Program Topic: Hikes & Walks
Documents/Attachments: Liability Waiver: Adult Liability Waiver
Liability Waiver: Youth Liability Waiver
Registration: Registration required
Registration Closes: 4/23/25
Enter the number of people to be registered in the box and then click Register

Fee - $0.00
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For offline registrations or further information
please call 330-702-3000, unless another number
is given in the program description.