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Title: Waterfowl Watch PROGRAM FULL
Description: Birds have been on the move! Waterfowl and raptors are still coming through our neck of the woods on their way to more northerly destinations. Some smaller migratory early birds may also be flitting about. Take a hike to learn about and hopefully spot some of these feathered travelers. Difficulty: moderate. Distance 1-2mi. Call 330.740.7107 x 129 to register by 4/4. No walk-ins. No pets. FREE
Facility: Nature Preserves: Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary
Program Date:
Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Age Range: Youth Teens Younger than 18 w/ Adult Adults Seniors (60+) Adult w/ Child Families
Program Topic: For the Birds
Documents/Attachments: Liability Waiver: Adult Liability Waiver
Liability Waiver: Youth Liability Waiver
Registration: Registration requested, walk-ins welcome
Registration Closes: 4/4/25
Enter the number of people to be registered in the box and then click Register

Fee - $0.00
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Online Registration Full

For offline registrations or further information
please call 330-702-3000, unless another number
is given in the program description.